Interactive Communications

Saturday, February 25, 2006

A Blank Canvass: The Pro’s of Blog

Before I started this class I had very limited knowledge of blogs. I had heard about them before but never had read one and certainly never had a blog of my own. As I began to study blogs through my class work for Introduction to Interactive Communications at Quinnipiac University, I realized that I do visit blogs, but just never realized what I was reading.
I also never realized the popularity of blogs. After hearing much talk in the news about I decided to check it out and was amazed at what I found.
The biggest pro about a blog is that it can be anything the writer wants it to be. A blog is your own space for free expression and to talk about and share anything and everything that is on your mind.
After searching through random blogs I was really amazed at the production value of the blogs. Every blog I read was unique in its own way. Whether it was the element of video or graphics I definitely felt that I better sense of the author’s personality by reading their blog. And that, I believe, is the biggest pro of a blog. The ultimate form of new aged self-expression.
In addition to blogs creating a rich environment for self-expression they are also serve a dual purpose as a great educational tool about new technology as the authors of the blogs must figure out how to integrate various forms of media in their blog. I think this is a great opportunity for all generations to have a hands-on roll in emerging technologies. The power to integrate video and audio on blogs gives the author the position of producer of their own ideas and causes.
Since I don’t have any experience in web design, html or blogs before I began the class, I have been able to learn a lot just from our class discussion board and reading the blog posts from other students. This is where the power of education comes into play especially since new media is constantly evolving.
Discussion boards and blogs allow people a gathering place to learn and share ideas which will only help advance the overall understanding of the full capabilities of technology and in turn advance our society.


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