Interactive Communications

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I think therefore I am....I think?

One of our assignments this week is to evaluate the use of the computer. This activity ties into one of our questions for discussion, "Do you consider using the computer as part of your thinking process, in other words do you think through the computer?"

My initial response to this question is that although we don't think through the computer, I believe the computer does a lot more "thinking" for us then we might realize. For example, online banking. If you are ever in doubt of your account balance you can always check it online and view the statement for the month. And if you don't feel like balancing your checkbook, the computer has done it for you. Also by using automatic bill payment plans we no longer have to think about when bills are due, how much they are and how am I going to pay for them. All that is taken care of.

So here is a recap of how I have used the computer so far this week.

Sunday: I was away most of the day, but I didn't use my computer briefly at night to check my email and to check the blackboard to see what my assignments were for this week. I didn't spend much time on the computer at night because that big football game was on.

Monday: Back to work....I spend all day in front of the computer which I totally rely on to complete my work. If the computer crashed or we lost power I wouldn't be able to complete my tasks. After work I used my home computer to check email, check the discussion board and to look up plane fares to Florida. After discovering that Southwest Airlines had a pretty good deal to Florida, I went ahead and booked a flight to Tampa for late March. After that it was time to find a hotel, so I used a few different hotel chain sites to look up potential places to stay. I made reservations for the beginning of our trip and figured I would do the rest later on.

Tuesday: Used the computer at work all day. At home checked on my bank account and paid the cable bill and my student loan online. Then I checked the discussion board and replied to a post about whether or not we think through computers. And that brings us to this exact moment when I am typing a blog post about how I have been using the computer this week.


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