T.G.I.F....Set brain to power save mode
Is it me or did this week just d r a g on? Anyway, I have reached the end of the work week and decided it was time to post about how I have used the computer this week. Earlier this week I wrote about my usage for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday so now I'll sum up Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
My usage of the computer for the second half the week didn't vary much from the first half the week. I spent all my time at work in front of the computer doing mostly repetitive work. Once in a while when I need to give my eyes a break I'll hop onto the internet to check my statements or check out college basketball scores and rankings. When I'm taking little breaks to go online it's not really in a thinking capacity, it's more of a break capacity. Outside of work I used the computer every night to check the discussion board and to do research. In this capacity, I was thinking with the aide of the computer, especially when doing research.
Looking back on the week I can say that spend the majority of my time in front of the computer, mainly, because my job requires me to, but I also spend a decent amount of my free time on the computer doing research and class work. I wouldn't say that I think through the computer, but I would say that capabilities of the computer nurture the thinking process especially when it comes to doing research.
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